We know that preparing for the ISC2 CISSP Exam takes dedication. To help
you to obtain the best CISSP self-study resources we asked CISSP members
for their recommended knowledge sources to ensure you are exam day
These CISSP books are your best assets to gain exam item knowledge and a complete understanding of the CBK and the eight domains covered in the CISSP exam.
Top CISSP Books to Prepare for Exam Day
- The Official ISC2 CISSP CBK Reference, 6th Edition by Arthur Deane and Aaron Kraus - This is the authoritative common body of knowledge (CBK) from ISC2 for information security professionals charged with designing, engineering, implementing and managing the overall information security program to protect organizations from increasingly sophisticated attacks.
- ISC2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide, 9th Edition by Mike Chapple, James Michael Stewart and Darril Gibson - This bestselling Sybex Study Guide covers 100% of the exam objectives. You'll prepare for the exam smarter and faster thanks to expert content, knowledge from real-world experience, advice on mastering this adaptive exam, access to the Sybex online interactive learning environment and more.
- Eleventh Hour CISSP: Study Guide, 3rd Edition by Eric Conrad, Seth Misenar and Joshua Feldman - This text provides readers with a study guide on the most current version of the Certified Information Systems Security Professional exam. This book is streamlined to include only core certification information and is presented for ease of last-minute studying. The main exam objectives are covered concisely with key concepts highlighted.
- All in One CISSP Exam Guide, 9th Edition by Shon Harris and Fernando Maymi - This text features learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, practice questions, and in-depth explanations. Written by leading experts in information security certification and training, this completely up-to-date self-study system helps you pass the exam with ease and also serves as an essential on-the-job reference.
- CISSP for Dummies, 7th Edition by Lawrence C. Miller and Peter H. Gregory - With a down-to-earth approach, this text provides all the information covered in the exam plus numerous self-assessment tools, quick assessment and prep tests to give you practice, a sample exam, and hundreds of randomly generated review questions on the Dummies Test Engine, available on the companion website.
- How To Think Like A Manager for the CISSP Exam by Luke Ahmed - Using 25 CISSP practice questions with detailed explanations, this book will attempt to answer how to think like a member of a senior management team who has the goal of balancing risk, cost, and most of all, human life. The questions will take you through how to resist thinking from a technical perspective to one that is more holistic.
View ISC2 Study Tools and Resources for helpful links to CISSP books, trainings and more. Looking to connect with peers preparing for the CISSP exam like yourself? Join the CISSP Study Group on ISC2 Community .