ISC2 Security Briefings – APAC

The Security Briefings - APAC is an online learning tool that provides members and participants a wide range of security related information in a flexible and bite-size approach. This content is invaluable in helping you meet your CPE requirement.

  • Increase your knowledge of important and relevant topics in just 60 minutes
  • Complimentary for both members and non-members
  • 1 CPE per hour will be automatically added to ISC2 member’s profile
  • Moderated by experienced ISC2 members
  • Live interaction with the presenter in Asia-Pacific time zone
  • View the entire webinar after the event anytime, anywhere

Creating an account with BrightTALK webinars is separate from your ISC2 member login. You will only be asked to create an account one time.

ISC2 Webinar Sponsors

Acre Security logoAkamai logoAudit Board logoAxis logoBarracuda logo Cado Security logoCensys logoDuo LogoCloudFlare logoDelinea logoExtraHopF5 logoHPE Aruba Networking logoHyperproof logoIllumio logoInfoblox logoKey Factor logoKnowBe4 logoLacework logoPlainID logoProofPoint logo SoSafe logoSumo Logic logoTrend Micro logoVMRay

Sponsorship Opportunities

Are you interested in expanding your brand and audience? Sponsor ISC2 webinars. We’ll partner with you to develop and produce a compelling presentation.

APAC Webinar Prospectus Contact Us

Japan Webinar Prospectus Contact Us