SSCP Domain Update FAQ

English  |  日本語

Q: Why are changes being made to the SSCP exam?

ISC2 has an obligation to its membership to maintain the relevancy of its credentials. These enhancements are the result of a rigorous, methodical process that ISC2: follows to routinely update its credential exams. This process ensures that the examinations and subsequent continuing professional education requirements encompass the topic areas relevant to the roles and responsibilities of today's practicing IT security administration and operations professional.

Q: How is the SSCP exam changing?

The SSCP certification demonstrates advanced technical skills and knowledge to implement, monitor and administer IT infrastructure using security best practices, policies and procedures established by the cybersecurity experts at ISC2.

Due to the content refresh, Domain 1 has been renamed, as shown below:

  Current (Effective November 15, 2021) New (Effective September 15, 2024)  
1 Security Operations and Administration Security Concepts and Practices 16%
2 Access Controls Access Controls 15%
3 Risk Identification, Monitoring, and Analysis Risk Identification, Monitoring, and Analysis 15%
4 Incident Response and Recovery Incident Response and Recovery 14%
5 Cryptography Cryptography 9%
6 Network and Communications Security Network and Communications Security 16%
7 Systems and Application Security Systems and Application Security 15%
Total: 100%

Q: Why do domains for ISC2 credential exams change?

Domains change because it is a reflection of a change in the knowledge, skills and abilities, as indicated by experts through the Job Task Analysis process.

Q: When will these changes go into effect?

The changes will begin on September 15, 2024.

Q: In what language will the refreshed SSCP exam be available?

The refreshed SSCP exam will be available in English, Japanese and Spanish.

Q: If I have been studying for the SSCP exam with material that focuses on the current domains, will I be sufficiently prepared to take the new exam without additional study?

ISC2 exams are experience-based that include experience-based questions that cannot be learned by studying alone. If you already have the experience in the domains covered in SSCP and believe that you have sufficiently studied those domains, you should feel confident that you are qualified to take the new exam and pass it. ISC2 cannot guarantee you will pass the exam.

Q: When will the training course for SSCP be updated to reflect these changes?

The Official ISC2 SSCP training course will be updated on September 15, 2024 to reflect the changes to the exam outline.