Stay Connected with ISC2 Chapters

A group of smiling business people outside


ISC2 engages our local chapters to represent the organization as vital, relevant contributors that deliver on our vision of inspiring a safe and secure cyber world. ISC2 Chapters support their members by building a local network of peers who share knowledge, exchange resources, and collaborate on projects.

  • Connect like-minded individuals with networking and career opportunities
  • Educate members on the latest trends, new technologies and preparing for ISC2 certification
  • Inspire the next generation of cybersecurity professionals
  • Secure the community by generating awareness about cybersecurity and empowering individuals to protect themselves online

Join a chapter


Benefits of ISC2 chapter membership

Excel in leadership roles
Earn CPE credits
Participate in key events
Contribute expertise at speaking engagements
Participate in community and outreach projects
Connect now
Enjoy discounts on ISC2 products and programs

Join a chapter



Q: Do I have to be a member of ISC2 in order to join an ISC2 Chapter?

A: You must be an ISC2 member to start a chapter. However, once the chartering chapter has received its charter and becomes an official chapter of ISC2, then non-ISC2 certified professionals can join an ISC2 Chapter. Check with the local chapter to confirm.

Q: If I’m a member of ISC2, am I automatically a member of my local chapter?

A: No. ISC2 members are not required to join an ISC2 Chapter. If you are interested in joining a chapter, then you will need to contact the local chapter for details. Visit the ISC2 Chapter Directory for contact information.

Q: If I belong to a chapter does that mean I am a member of ISC2?

A: No. All ISC2 members must pass one of the ISC2 credential exams and complete the endorsement process to become a member. Once an individual is a member of ISC2, they must maintain their certification in order to remain in good-standing.

Q: What is the difference between an ISC2 member and an ISC2 Chapter member?

A: An ISC2 member has taken and passed one of the ISC2 credential exams and has completed the endorsement process. Only professionals who hold an ISC2 credential are a member of ISC2. ISC2 Chapter members consist of both ISC2 credential holders and those who do not have an ISC2 credential.

Q: What is the membership fee for an ISC2 Chapter?

A: Each chapter establishes and imposes chapter dues for its members. Dues are not collected by ISC2.

Q: How many CPEs can I earn for joining a chapter?

A: Members do not earn CPEs for joining a chapter; however, members can earn one CPE per hour for each hour attending a meeting based on information security topics.

Q: What does an ISC2 Chapter do?

A: ISC2 Chapters provide ISC2 members and other information security professionals in the local community an opportunity to build a local network of peers to share knowledge, exchange ideas and earn CPEs.

Q: How do I find a chapter to join?

A: The ISC2 Chapter Directory is available on the ISC2 website at

Q: How can I find out when chapter meetings are held?

A: Contact a chapter directly to find out the chapter’s schedule of events. To find a chapter near you, visit the ISC2 Chapter Directory.