ISC2 Security Briefings

ISC2 Security Briefings are 1-hour webinars that provide an opportunity for attendees to take a "deep dive" into a topic by listening to a multi-part webinar series on a subject over a short period of time. ISC2 members appreciate the opportunity to immerse themselves in a topic and hear how an industry expert approaches solving the issue(s) being discussed. ISC2 members earn 1 CPE per Security Briefing.

Creating an account with BrightTALK webinars is separate from your ISC2 member login. You will only be asked to create an account one time.

ISC2 Webinar Sponsors

Acre Security logoAkamai logoAudit Board logoAxis logoBarracuda logo Cado Security logoCensys logoDuo LogoCloudFlare logoDelinea logoExtraHopF5 logoHPE Aruba Networking logoHyperproof logoIllumio logoInfoblox logoKey Factor logoKnowBe4 logoLacework logoPlainID logoProofPoint logo SoSafe logoSumo Logic logoTrend Micro logoVMRay