Item Writer/Exam Developer
ISC2 certifications are among the most highly regarded in the world, due in large part to our rigorous exam development process. ISC2 regularly updates all exams to ensure that our certifications remain current and relevant in a rapidly changing profession. ISC2 holds exam development workshops several times throughout the year to update and refresh the item banks and create new exam forms for all the credentialing exams it offers.Purpose
There are four types of workshops:
- Job Task Analysis
- Item Mapping
- Item Writing
- Standard Setting
Serve as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) to create new exams or update and refresh existing exams. SMEs participate in virtual, remote, and in-person workshops that focus on the creation and review of exam content as part of the certification exam development process. Some activities include:
- Establishing or revising the topics an exam will cover
- Developing and evaluating exam items
- Determining the exam’s passing score
ISC2 Membership Requirement
Skills Required
- Must hold relevant ISC2 certification for the workshop
- Must be an ISC2 member in good standing
- Must not have participated in any workshops for the ISC2 Education team or taught certification courses in the last 2 years
SMEs receive training on relevant certification development tasks.
Time Requirement
Typically, workshops last 2-3 days:
- Virtual (usually 3 six-hour days)
- Remote item development campaigns
- 2 months on own time (must meet weekly goals)
- Held various times of the year
Travel Requirement
Start/End Date
Varies throughout the year
CPE Credit(s)
1 Group A CPE per 1 hour served; typically earn up to 21 credits
CPE Submission Process
ISC2 will submit CPE credits on behalf of the volunteer.
- Earn CPE credits
- Meet and network with peers
- Contribute to the profession
Reference Materials
Register Interest